Join the Mochiya Loyalty Club to be gain access to exclusive member’s only deals and collect points through our rewards program. To join simply create an account and start shopping! Every new member will earn 1 point for every RM1 spent. These points can be accumulated to offset future purchases.

Save As You Spend

Point Redemption


Instantly earn extra points and offset from your next purchase


RM5 = 1 Point

300 Point = RM10


Redeem anytime

Redeeming points is easy- Use them to offset your purchase directly at checkout.

Exclusive member’s offers

Gain access to members-only deals & promotions.



How to Redeem

For every 300 points you have = RM10.00. If you have 305 points, you are entitled to redeem RM10.00 from your next order if you choose to use up all your points.

Your points will be refreshed upon completion of delivery.

You will also earn points from an order you have utilized points on.

To redeem your points, follow the steps below in the checkout page.

Step 1 - enter the points and click Apply Points.
Step 2 - Confirm you discount has been added.

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